I'm shocked! I confess it.
With no TV in my home I'm quite observant when watching TV at friend's. So yesterday a friend told me that there will be
Oliver Stone's W. in the little poisened box and because I was eating with another friend anyway we decided for watching and talking instead of talking only after dinner.
So as usual on german private TV there were commercials and unfortunately at the moment it's not the time of big creativity in the ad agencies - and I do know other times! But the boredom was not the problem. Even that the preservation of the environment finally became a big issue is not that surprising at all, although I wonder why it took them so much time to percieve environmentalism as the thing it is...
What really took my breath were two seconds of just one spot. A dating agency, one of the many you can find in the triple w. People were telling their stories of how easy they got to know other lonely ones. And next to them in a strong red against the white background words like quick, dates, love... Me and my friend were talking, listining and watching only with one ear and eye. And then I saw the word
side leap and asked my friend if she saw it too. She did.
In which world are we living in? (Extra-marital) Affairs are part of everyday life. I know! Advertisements for infidelities are absolutely common in the internet. I know and I hate and love the net for the fact that it's not controllable in many ways.
BUT! Watching a commercial on TV I know how many people were involved in its production and broadcasting. And I wonder if really none of them said: This is a no-go because it shows how broken our relationships and how shattered our hopes are.
How can you implicate on TV that an escapade is something that is accepted by the society that surrounds you when it shouldn't because it breaks hearts and hurts feelings? How can you imply that this kind of lie is something you don't have to be ashamed for? How can you tell your audience: Hey, come on! Having sex with anybody different from your partner is standard. Everyone does it! And you don't? Come on! ;)
I really wonder.