Yesterday, I took a day off. I went to my placement test nearby, shopped a bit around on the way back to the hotel and then took a nap since I felt tired since leaving my bed for breakfast. And my tiredness certainly was not caused by the view I have every morning during breakfast ;)
I talked to a university professor by phone who I was supposed to meet in the afternoon but he rescheduled our meeting. So I had nothing to do but watch the children play in the schoolyard behind my hotel. They did what all kids do during their breaks - playing soccer, running around, jumping, screaming, laughing. I saw a girl kicking a smaller boy who interrupted the circle she formed with other girls, other girls spinned on their own axis enjoying the slight rain.
In the evening a thunderstorm emptied the streets and cleared the air. So today walking the streets was even a bit more challenging because big puddles blocked the route.
I met a German girl who is doing interviews for her PhD in Cairo and like me has a Iraqi father. We chatted for a long time in a coffeehouse and then went to the bookshop of the American University. I bought a recently published book on Arab Media and one more Arabic textbook. The streets were very quiet because the Muslims today celebrate Prophet Mohammed's birthday - a big day in Egypt and some sidewalks were blocked by praying men on green carpets.
For tomorrow I do have no other plans then walking around, finding the main post office and maybe meet the Egyptian girl I met some days ago.