Samstag, 6. August 2011

In the morning of our third day I decided to go on alone because my friends planned to head on with their high speed which I found too stressful. Besides my knees had started to hurt because I had no possibility to adapt to this long distances and small breaks. And, last but not least, as the only smoker in our group I always had to hurry to finish coffee, food and cigarettes and not make them wait for me. So here my first relaxing cigarette break, just before I go and buy a map to find my way home.

The map and me had some problems first, what made me stop again and again and drive pretty slowly. Additionally the road signs were far from perfect...

Orchids everywhere.

Nobody around, relaxing speed, no need to talk. That's holidays!

Sleep over in the Flussbett Hotel, having excellent organic food.